In this post I will detail the quick steps to push and pull a Docker container image from an Azure Container Registry.

Using my Go app, I stopped at building the container and continued from here:

Create the Azure Container Registry

In the Azure portal, browse to the resource group of your choice or create a new one.

Select Create > Containers > Container Registry

I specified the following:

  • Subscription
  • Resource group
  • Registry Name: acrmkmdsn
  • Location: UK South
  • Availability zones: Disabled
  • SKU: Standard

Leave the rest as default and continue on to Create.

Go to the newly created resource and note the Login server is

Create an Admin User for the Container Registry

Open the resource and under Settings select Access Keys


Change the Admin user from Disabled to Enabled. Copy the username and one of the passwords.


Login to the Container Registry

To login to the container registry from Docker, I ran the following:

docker login

Enter the username and password from the previous step.


Build and Tag the Container

In the root directory of the dockerfile, I built the container image.

docker build -t go-app .

I then tagged it with the name of go-app and the new container registry

docker tag go-app

Push the Container to the Registry

To push the container to the registry, complete as follows

docker push


Back in the Azure portal, under Services select Repositories. Here you can see the newly pushed go-app repo.


And if you select it you can see the go-app:latest image.


Pull the Container Images from the ACR

To pull the image from the Azure Container Registry:

docker pull


I can then run the container (and remove on stop) as follows:

docker run -d --rm -p 3000:3000 --name go-app

Can test it is running as expected:

curl localhost:3000


I then ran the following to see that it is running from the ACR image:

docker container ls


And finally, I can stop the container (which will also remove the container but not the local image) as follows:

docker container stop go-app