Ansible Part 3: Variables, Vault and Roles

In this post I’ll demonstrate using variables in your Ansible Playbooks, then go on to secret management using Ansible Vault, before finally completing the post covering Ansible Roles. The complete list of posts in this series are: Ansible Part 1: Setup and Configure on Ubuntu and VirtualBox Ansible Part 2: Playbooks Ansible Part 3: Variables, Vault and Roles (This post) All code in these posts can be found on GitHub - ubuntu-config/ansible and GitHub - ubuntu-config/ansible-roles...

April 3, 2022 · 5 min · Mark kerry

Kubernetes - Pull an Image From a Private Docker Hub Registry

A while back I created a Go container which returns the hostname of the container its running on - - Running a Local Go Web App in Docker. Running this container from a Kubernetes cluster was what I had in mind when I created it. In this post I will walk through the steps I completed to create the Kubernetes deployment with an image pulled from Docker Hub. I will be using the same Ubuntu server lab running on VirtualBox - markkerry....

March 13, 2022 · 2 min · Mark kerry

Running a Kubernetes Cluster on Ubuntu and VirtualBox

In a previous post, I created the adminbox Ubuntu VM on VirtualBox. server ip addr comment adminbox Jump box from host with SSH access to all on the Nat network In this post will be using the same setup to build a Kubernetes cluster and deploy an nginx container. I have created a further 3 VMs also connected to the KubeNatNetwork. Note: these only have one network adapter. network address: 10....

March 6, 2022 · 5 min · Mark kerry

Quick How-to: Push/Pull to Azure Container Registry

In this post I will detail the quick steps to push and pull a Docker container image from an Azure Container Registry. Using my Go app, I stopped at building the container and continued from here: Create the Azure Container Registry In the Azure portal, browse to the resource group of your choice or create a new one. Select Create > Containers > Container Registry I specified the following: Subscription Resource group Registry Name: acrmkmdsn Location: UK South Availability zones: Disabled SKU: Standard Leave the rest as default and continue on to Create....

February 20, 2022 · 2 min · Mark kerry

Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS VirtualBox Lab

This is a follow on from my old Centos 8 post, but this time I will be using Ubuntu LTS servers running on a Linux host with VirtualBox. The lab environment is designed to be used for any of the following: General Linux sysadmin Kubernetes cluster Ansible configuration management Terraform VirtualBox Provider This post will cover of the following: Installing & configuring VirtualBox Installing & configuring the adminbox server The adminbox server will have a bridged adapter to the host and will be used to SSH onto the other VMs via the VirtualBox NAT network....

February 13, 2022 · 5 min · Mark kerry

Introduction to C Programming

Introduction I’ve been coding in PowerShell for many years and wanted to step back and learn the basics of a language which many future languages were based; C++, C#, PowerShell, Go, etc. The biggest hurdle I found when learning C, was the change from an object-orientated language, such as PowerShell, to a functional language in C. Wikipedia’s description of C: “C is a general-purpose, procedural computer programming language supporting structured programming, lexical variable scope, and recursion, with a static type system....

January 30, 2022 · 9 min · Mark kerry

AZ-104: Azure Certified Administrator: Renewal

I recently renewed my Azure Administrator Associate certification via the MS Learn online assessment. Visit here to find out more about the Microsoft Certification renewal process. Learning Resources Although I originally passed the AZ-103, here are the equivalent 104 resources I used the first time round to help me prepare for the exam. A Cloud Guru - AZ-104 Certification Prep MS Learn - AZ-104 Learning Path MS Learn - AZ-104 Labs Microsoft Press - AZ-104 Exam Ref The Renewal Experience The following points may be handy to know when preparing for the assessment....

December 11, 2021 · 1 min · Mark kerry

Automated Autopilot Tenant Move Part 2: Using PowerShell and Graph

Following on from my previous post, this one provides a far simpler process to automatically de-register your Windows Autopilot devices from one tenant, and provision them in another tenant. It’s not exactly a “part 2”, rather a different, simpler approach. I came across a great post on MsEndpointMgr which details the steps to extract your Autopilot profile in the new tenant, and copy to the machines in the old tenant ready for them to be wiped....

October 31, 2021 · 6 min · Mark kerry

Automated Autopilot Tenant Move Part 1: Using Graph, Azure Functions and Azure Storage

Thanks to Powers-Hell (Ben) for the handy Get-AuthHeader and Invoke-GraphCall PowerShell functions. Introduction There may be a scenario where you need all of your Intune managed, Autopilot registered devices setup on a new tenant. But there are a few challenges you will face: An OEM may have uploaded every device’s hardware hash to Autopilot, so you do not have them to upload to the new tenant. An Autopilot device cannot be deleted from the registration service while it’s a “managed device” (enrolled in Intune)....

September 26, 2021 · 7 min · Mark kerry

Quick How-to: Using the Azure Functions Console Sandbox

Introduction In this short post I will walk through the process to create new files for your Azure Function project, using the Console tool. This may come in handy for people who develop their Azure functions from the Azure portal. As stated when opening the Console development tool: “Manage your web app environment by running common commands (‘mkdir’, ‘cd’ to change directories, etc.) This is a sandbox environment, so any commands that require elevated privileges will not work....

August 29, 2021 · 2 min · Mark kerry