Kubernetes - Pull an Image From a Private Docker Hub Registry

A while back I created a Go container which returns the hostname of the container its running on - markkerry.github.io - Running a Local Go Web App in Docker. Running this container from a Kubernetes cluster was what I had in mind when I created it. In this post I will walk through the steps I completed to create the Kubernetes deployment with an image pulled from Docker Hub. I will be using the same Ubuntu server lab running on VirtualBox - markkerry....

March 13, 2022 · 2 min · Mark kerry

Running a Local Go Web App in Docker

In this post, I walk through creating a simple Go web app that runs in a Docker container, and lists the hostname of the container it’s running in. I chose Go as I’ve recently gotten started writing code in Go and it’s a lot of fun to work with. The container will install Go, so there is no need to install it locally on your machine. Docker is a prerequisite, however....

March 14, 2021 · 4 min · Mark kerry