Terraform VirtualBox Provider

In this post I will demonstrate how to deploy 2x Ubuntu Virtual Machines using the Terraform VirtualBox provider, terra-farm You can install VirtualBox on Ubuntu using this guide. The main.tf file is configured to use a network adapter called vnetbox1, so you need to ensure it is created and set DHCP Server to Enable. Install Terraform Let’s start by installing Terraform. The following is from the official Terraform documentation: Add the Terraform gpg key....

May 1, 2022 · 4 min · Mark kerry

Ansible Part 1: Setup and Configure on Ubuntu and VirtualBox

This is part one in a three part Ansible series, which will demonstrate how you can get started learning Ansible. The complete list of posts in this series are: Ansible Part 1: Setup and Configure on Ubuntu and VirtualBox (This post) Ansible Part 2: Playbooks Ansible Part 3: Variables, Vault and Roles All code in these posts can be found on GitHub - ubuntu-config/ansible Getting Started I used the adminbox VM connected to the KubeNatNetwork (10....

April 3, 2022 · 4 min · Mark kerry

Ansible Part 2: Playbooks

In this post I’ll be going over Ansible Playbooks. The complete list of posts in this series are: Ansible Part 1: Setup and Configure on Ubuntu and VirtualBox Ansible Part 2: Playbooks (This post) Ansible Part 3: Variables, Vault and Roles All code in these posts can be found on GitHub - ubuntu-config/ansible Playbooks Playbooks allow us to write ordered process and manage configurations in the form of yaml syntax. These can then be used to build out remote systems....

April 3, 2022 · 6 min · Mark kerry

Ansible Part 3: Variables, Vault and Roles

In this post I’ll demonstrate using variables in your Ansible Playbooks, then go on to secret management using Ansible Vault, before finally completing the post covering Ansible Roles. The complete list of posts in this series are: Ansible Part 1: Setup and Configure on Ubuntu and VirtualBox Ansible Part 2: Playbooks Ansible Part 3: Variables, Vault and Roles (This post) All code in these posts can be found on GitHub - ubuntu-config/ansible and GitHub - ubuntu-config/ansible-roles...

April 3, 2022 · 5 min · Mark kerry

Kubernetes - Pull an Image From a Private Docker Hub Registry

A while back I created a Go container which returns the hostname of the container its running on - markkerry.github.io - Running a Local Go Web App in Docker. Running this container from a Kubernetes cluster was what I had in mind when I created it. In this post I will walk through the steps I completed to create the Kubernetes deployment with an image pulled from Docker Hub. I will be using the same Ubuntu server lab running on VirtualBox - markkerry....

March 13, 2022 · 2 min · Mark kerry

Running a Kubernetes Cluster on Ubuntu and VirtualBox

In a previous post, I created the adminbox Ubuntu VM on VirtualBox. server ip addr comment adminbox Jump box from host with SSH access to all on the Nat network In this post will be using the same setup to build a Kubernetes cluster and deploy an nginx container. I have created a further 3 VMs also connected to the KubeNatNetwork. Note: these only have one network adapter. network address: 10....

March 6, 2022 · 5 min · Mark kerry

Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS VirtualBox Lab

This is a follow on from my old Centos 8 post, but this time I will be using Ubuntu LTS servers running on a Linux host with VirtualBox. The lab environment is designed to be used for any of the following: General Linux sysadmin Kubernetes cluster Ansible configuration management Terraform VirtualBox Provider This post will cover of the following: Installing & configuring VirtualBox Installing & configuring the adminbox server The adminbox server will have a bridged adapter to the host and will be used to SSH onto the other VMs via the VirtualBox NAT network....

February 13, 2022 · 5 min · Mark kerry